Well, we finally bought a digital camcorder - for Mom, for her birthday. Of course we're all using it too :-) and it's great that we can now edit and touch up our home movies! Plus digital is just so much more convenient :-) Maybe I'll post some videos . . . maybe.
On a related subject, I'm working on polishing up my collection of moves for the office/study space breakdancing genre I've created. It's mostly done in, on, and around rolling office chairs. Chairspins are so much easier and more fun than headspins - plus they're easier on the head, and work well for those of us who can't do a headspin :lol:
Oh yeah, I also bought a Red Ryder BB gun (70th Anniversary Edition! :O) for fast, cheap plinking when I don't want to get my bigger guns out. It's pretty accurate and it smokes out the muzzle when it shoots which is a nice plus :-) I've done some fun trick shooting with it!
I miss all the people from the OH gathering :-(
I really need to do some studying . . .
Till next time, peace out!