Saturday, April 16, 2011

God Died

As we prepare to celebrate Easter, we have special Lenten devotions that we go through as a family. During one of these, I was struck by two simple words:

God died.

That is a mind-blowing concept! An infinite, eternal, unchangeable, omnipotent, omniscient, perfect Being "made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." (Phillipians 2:7) That alone is incomprehensible. Jesus, who had never experienced pain, fatigue, aging, or any of the effects of the Fall, came into this world and experienced all of them. Jesus, who had never had anything less than a perfect relationship with His Father, became the Object of His Father's wrath for all of the sins believers have ever committed in history. Jesus, who was with the Father before time, entered time and lived and died. And He did all of this for those He loves, those who have believed and will believe in Him!

Thank you, Jesus, for Your work of redemption on our behalf! Help us to live in light of that sacrifice, and to truly be thankful for Your precious gift of salvation!


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