Saturday, July 2, 2011


Deadlines are part of life. We all face them at some point - in school, in work, in life in general. While they can be stressful, sometimes the pressure is good.

I have been studying for the Human Resources Management DSST recently, and it has been very slow going. I finally just scheduled the test for next week. Now that I have a deadline it is amazing how much more motivated I am to study! :-) That's one way deadlines can actually help us - we can channel the pressure they create to improve our performance. They also help us to prioritize and better schedule our time.

How do you deal with and use deadlines?



India Edith said...

I was the same way with tests... if I didn't have it scheduled, I didn't get much studying done. Good luck on your test!

Zoe said...

Deadlines really motivate me too. I scheduled most of my tests several weeks in advance. To add to the pressure, I scheduled like four of them at one time - each 1 to 2 weeks apart. lol I don't think I was ever so productive as I was during those few weeks.

MacMeister said...

Thanks for your comments! It's nice to know that there are other people out there who have the same issues with motivation :lol:

And I passed! :-D