Saturday, September 25, 2010

Seeing Opportunities in the Little Things

It seems that lately, I've been stuck on thinking big at the expense of the smaller here and now.

Several of my friends are going or have gone on mission trips, they know what God is calling them to, and they are going out into the world to evangelize people for Christ. And while that is great, sometimes it just makes me feel inferior in some way. I mean, here are people traveling to foreign countries, teaching others about Jesus, and here I am, doing schoolwork, watching siblings, cleaning dishes, changing diapers . . . MUNDANE STUFF.

I have slipped into the mindset of regarding one set of activities as somehow "holier" than another.

However, God has been telling me lately that instead of trying to avoid these little things in life as I grasp for bigger, "holier" things, I should make the most of every opportunity (Eph. 5:16). He's telling me to live more in the present, rather than in some uncertain, imaginary future. He's showing me that I should view even the little things as having eternal value and as being opportunities for growth, and that in order to be entrusted with bigger things, I must show myself faithful in little things.

It's a rather large perspective shift, and it will not come to me easily I know. But I am confident that with God's help I can truly see every good activity as having real meaning and value, and that every day I live will be rich with new meaning! I'm excited!



India Edith said...

Absolutely! Sometimes it's hard for me also to see importance in the small things. But with God's help, you can't fail! :)

Zoe said...

I know what you mean. I have never been on a mission trip in my life and have felt the same way about it. However, I just have to remember that God calls us all to do different things. Some of the greatest in the Kingdom will have participated in some of the most seemingly insignificant activities. It's always encouraging to know that God doesn't measure success the same way we often do. :)

MacMeister said...

Great thoughts India and Zoe!

Steven said...

Great post, Mac. It's often hard to see God in the mundane, but I'm glad that you have the kind of faith to see that serving Him in "little" ways is just as glorifying to him as traveling overseas. I guess the important thing is to serve him in obedience "in the present" like you said, instead of worrying about the relative importance of the tasks to which he has called us.

Thanks for posting your thoughts!

MacMeister said...

Thanks for the encouraging words Steven!

Essie said...

I know this is a lil off... But it reminded me of what my dad has said...
'If you're willing to die for your wife, it sure wouldn't hurt to help with the dishes once in awhile'
For me personally, I very much find that the small things are WORLDS harder than big things... So I totally understand. ;) praying for you!

MacMeister said...

Thanks for your thoughts Esther! :-)