Thursday, February 24, 2011

Language and Illumination

I was reading my Bible this morning, and I had one of those "deep thought" moments. It was one of those times where I was suddenly struck in a new way by something very ordinary: reading. It is truly amazing how patterns of lines and curves on a page communicates concepts to a reader who understands them. It made me thank God for the gift of language.

Then I had another insight: I could understand what the words in the Bible are saying on a superficial level, but I am unable to truly understand and comprehend their message by myself. God's thoughts are certainly not our thoughts! Praise be to God for choosing to grant me the illumination of the Holy Spirit. His help is something to truly be thankful for!


1 comment:

Elizabeth J. said...

The Lord is truly our light that illuminates the darkness and penetrates the depths of our souls.

~Elizabeth J.