Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day: Let Me Count the Ways

It's Mothers Day again. The day when we remember that very special woman in our lives - the one who has more to do with who we are now than any other. How is my Mom special? Let me count (some of) the (many) ways:

- She brought me into the world. I wouldn't be here without you Mom! Thank you for all of your sacrifices and the discomfort and pain you endured to give me life :-)

- She helped to raise me in the nurture and admonition of the Lord through my formative years. Daily Bible reading and prayer were a part of my life from day one, and during the day it was often Mom who would read Bible stories to me and explain the things of God. Thank you for teaching me to know and serve the King!

- She models the characteristics of a Godly wife and mother. In her everyday life, in her relationship with Dad and with her children, she follows the principles of a helpmeet set down in Scripture. She serves us all - whether it's planning meals, shopping, balancing our expense accounts, resolving disputes, cutting our hair, getting me started on guitar :-) or just showing interest in our activities. She supports Dad in his calling - both in his vocation and as the leader of his household.

- She disciplines us. I know it's hard sometimes Mom, but you don't shy away from administering discipline when it is needed, and I am thankful for that. Without discipline I would definitely not be the person I am.

- She admits and confesses when she sins. Sorry, Mom, I have to be honest - you're not perfect! ;-) But when do you mess up, you make sure to confess and repent to the people you have wronged. That takes courage and humility!

- She counsels us and shares her wisdom. At my time of life, I am so thankful for all the wisdom that you have stored up over the years and willingly share with me. Thank you for being there for me when I have had to make difficult decisions and for giving me the help I need - giving me advice, walking me through options, or just being there so I can talk it out.

I could go on but maybe I'll save some more for later :-)

I love you Mom! And I am truly blessed to have a strong, loving relationship with you at the age where the situation is typically the opposite. I'm thankful that we have a day to remind ourselves of all you do for us and all you are - although you deserve more than just one day! :-)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you! You have been a blessing and a joy to me!