Friday, August 5, 2011


The title stands for "Absent WithOut Lettingyouallknow" - I had intended to blog once a week during the summer, but that didn't quite turn out very well :-P

So why was I AWOL for almost three weeks?

1. I starred in a musical! Granted, it was only a children's musical that our church put on, and I was only in one scene, but it still counts ;-) The musical was "Nic@Night", about Nicodemus and his journey from Pharisee to Christian (in the context of the Gospel story). I and my brothers were the Pharisees in one scene (we were the comic relief :-) ) It was quite fun - but all the practices kind of disrupted the schedule a bit.

2. I was studying for Organizational Behavior. Because of the rehearsals, I had limited study time, so I made the most of it - which meant no blogging. I did pass, however, so it was worth it! 78 credits down :-)

Those were the biggies, but I had a lot of other smaller things that I did as well (a party, starting teaching guitar). It's been very busy, but now things are beginning to slow down, so I should be able to blog weekly again! (We'll see how that goes :-P)



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