Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hiding It In Your Heart

So much for blogging once a week. Nothing really stood out as something I should blog on, and I guess I fail at finding blogworthy things on a daily basis. Oh well!

Yesterday evening I was at a book study and the discussion turned briefly to Scripture memorization. I think I got a bit of a wakeup call! I do memorize Bible verses - our whole family memorizes a verse every one to two weeks. I just realized that I could and should be doing a lot more memorization on my own. Even though we have easy access to the Bible (right now), there is no substitute for having the Word in your heart, where it can be easily recalled in a discussion, to fight off a temptation, to meditate on, or to aid in making a decision. I believe the more Scripture we truly have in our hearts, the more our lives will reflect that. Plus, there's no telling when the Bible will not be as readily available in printed form, and when that happens, we will wish we had memorized more!

All that to say, I am trying to figure out a plan for memorizing more Scripture. I think I'll start with some of my favorite passages, but I don't want to approach this in a haphazard unstructured way. If any of you have suggestions, categories or lists of verses, or strategies that you use, please comment :-)


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