Wednesday, January 26, 2011

God's Glorious Creation!

This morning we woke to about an inch of snow and a clear morning sky. As I watched the beauty of the world unfold, I was reminded of that familiar passage at the beginning of Psalm 19:

Our front yard covered with a light snow

1 "The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky abovea proclaims his handiwork."

Ice on our front steps

2 "Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.
3 There is no speech, nor are there words,
whose voice is not heard."

As the sun hit them, the snow-covered trees turned a delicate pink - beautiful!

4 "Their voiceb goes out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world."

The rising sun shining through a snow-covered tree

"In them he has set a tent for the sun,
5 which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,
and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy."

One word to describe this - BEAUTIFUL!

6 "Its rising is from the end of the heavens,
and its circuit to the end of them,
and there is nothing hidden from its heat."

Praise the Lord for His wonderful creation!



~Kluane said...

oooh, nice pictures Mac! It just snowed here today too :D

Zoe said...

Those are beautiful pictures!

Søren said...

Man, those pictures are just beautiful!
They're breathtaking.

MacMeister said...

The credit goes to my brother - he took the pictures; I just posted the best ones :-)

@Kluane: you mean somedays it doesn't snow up there? :O

They are beautiful - I especially like the last one. The sun had just come up and this mist was rising from the snow and then it shone through that tree - beautiful!