Monday, January 31, 2011

Another Selection from the Vault!

Here is another piece of my old writing that I dug up! For the record this is a fictional account, and I anonymized the character names.

Poor Mommy!

One day "Derek" went to the kitchen to look at Mommy. Finding no one there, he noticed cake preparations for "Alex's" birthday. he got them down on the floor. He then proceeded to make a mess out of the kitchen. He splattered Jell-O all over the walls, then smeared the floor with cake batter. When Mommy came in, "Derek" said, "Look, I did a super job!" Poor Mommy!



Anonymous said...

BTW, that "Look, I did a super job!" is a direct quote from a board book about Little Bunny cleaning up his room. Sort of ironic!
Mac's Mom

Anonymous said...

Are you sure this is entirely fictional? Sounds like something that might actually happen if there are young children around...

MacMeister said...

Yeah, it could definitely happen. Fortunately it hasn't happened to us - but we've had plenty of similar disasters happen, which have become legendary in the family mythology!